This morning we saw one little heartbeat! Everything is measuring just right so far (6w3d). I met with one of my doctor's colleagues since she is out for the holidays, but I'll go back next week for an appointment with her and then hopefully be "released" (doesn't that sound wonderful?) into the care of my OB/GYN and perinatologist.
Since we'd transferred two embryos for this IVF, there was of course the possibility of Minnesota Twins. For me, though, just having one is better as this pregnancy is already high-risk and we don't need it to be doubly so. Sure it would be nice to get a two-for-one deal, but I just don't think my body could do it.
Q and I both come from big families (5 kids and 8 kids respectively) and had wanted four or five ourselves. That hope died when we lost Miles. This is not about having a certain number of kids. It's all about having a happy ending - a rainbow baby after our long and devastating storm. Even if this pregnancy is perfect and free of complication (wouldn't THAT be a surprise!) we will most definitely not be tempting fate ever again! Not that we could afford to go through all of this again, either financially or emotionally.
Down near the bottom of my sidebar, I've added a "Labels" section. The most frequent topics on this blog have been related to infertility and loss, so those are at the top. Pregnancy is new here so it's way down at the bottom (but ahead of tomatoes, hamsters, and Snickers!). Hopefully the coming months will see it grow and come out on top of infertility and loss!
Mental Sampler 30
16 hours ago
How wonderful!! I'm only 5w6ds but I saw a hearbeat this morning too! I'm terrified, but it's another step.
I hope to see 'pregnancy' and 'birth' heading up towards the top of your labels. :-)
Awesome news!!! Gotta love the Lovenox battle bruises:( I would rather do IM shots anyday over the Lovenox
Yay! Congratulations!
I can't tell you how freakin excited I am to read this!!!!!
Thats awesome Annie! So excited for you.
Yay! I was hoping for this for you...Congratulations! I am praying that this is a happy, uneventful pregnancy for you!
such good news for your little christmas miracle :) Hope things continue to go as smoothly xxx
~Happy ICLW~
~May your Christmas be filled with Peace~
~And your New Year with Hope~
My heart is filled with so much joy from reading this. What amazing, wonderful, awesome news.
hooray!!!! so happy!!
Congrats Annie! What a wonderful Christmas present this year! I'll be crossing my fingers for you that this is a smooth pregnancy with a very healthy baby at the end! Yay!
Yippeee for a heartbeat!!!
I am so happy for you, what a wonderful early Christmas gift to see the heartbeats!!
Happy Holidays and Happy ICLW
YAY for Heartbeat!!!!!!!!! that is spectacular!! I hope this is your rainbow baby to clear out some of your storm clouds!!
Happy ICLW from #37 and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
WONDERFUL news, so happy for you!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS! What a beautiful gift!
Congratulations! This is so exciting! I have my own Lovenox belly, so I loved seeing someone else's...
what wonderful news. My heart is skipping a beat hearing this news. It has got to be one of the most beautiful sounds. That and hearing your baby cry right after birth. I can't wait for you to hear that sound in 9 months.
merry christmas
Great to hear you saw a heart beat! I remember coming across your blog from a previous ICLW and was sad to see your pain you've been going through. You're in my thoughts. May this be a wonderful pregnancy for you.
Oh Annie!
You've been through so much. I am so happy to hear your good news!! This is just wonderful!!
I have stumbled across your blog from ICWL and you are truly amazing. I was so pleased to read of such wonderful news. I look forward to reading your blog and being updated.
(from ICWL #38)
Congratulations! What a great milestone and Christmas present!!! Hope you had an amazing Christmas and 2011 brings you one more living, take-home baby! Lots of hope and love from ICLW #110!
A heartbeat is a beautiful sound, indeed. Wishing you a peaceful road this pregnancy.
(ICLW #120)
You deserve a wonderful pregnancy and I'm so glad the u/s looked good! Happy ICLW!
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